Intellectual Property Rights for Instagram, Flickr and Twitter Photos

The following post is a guest post by Olga Egorsheva, the CEO of the marketplace for social media content, Lobster makes it possible for anyone to earn money by selling licenses for the photos they have already published on Instagram or Flickr. Olga is Russian by origin, lived in France, Norway and Germany, and started the company in London with…

10 Free Tools to Boost Your Traffic

There are heaps of tools to boost your traffic for online marketing success. Often you have to pay – and although often it is not much per tool, altogether these tools can sum up to a considerable amount of money. But there are many tools out there, which have a free version which already provides you with great opportunities to…

Why You Still Need a Blog in 2015 – The Traffic Generation Podcast (The Social Ms)

[powerpress] Today this is the second episode of our podcast – yes I know I am early on this one. I actually changed the plan and decided I will do this 2 – 3 times a week. You can still look forward to a set episode on sundays – with other episodes appearing during the week. I hope that is…

Facebook Fanpages: Why We’re All Wrong About Organic Reach

Recently Jon Loomer published a great post about organic reach on Facebook. In this post he carefully explains why organic reach of Facebook Pages is NOT dead. Never was. Facebook is concentrating on giving your content to the people most likely to enjoy it and interact with it. Jon explains the relation between organic reach and content in a lot…

How Not to Build a New Presence in Social Media

There is so much crap social media advice out there, once in a while it simply leaves me speechless. As told before I am a member of a (German) Social Media Marketing group on Facebook. This morning I saw the (totally legitimate) question of how to gain fans on Facebook for a new page without paying for ads. Although there…

Your Road to Twitter Success in 6 Easy Steps

We have written some articles about how to grow your Twitter account to achieve Twitter success. Our assumption for these articles was that you are already present on Twitter and “just” want to know how to grow a targeted following and with it gain more traffic to your content. Talking to some newbies on Twitter, I realized that there are…

Influencers Are Lying and Statistics Are Only Telling Half The Truth

Last week Kim Garst posted an article about various ideas for posts for your Facebook page. Kim writes in the article that you should post several times a day – but I guess some of you have heard about the statistic research stating that the optimal frequency would be ten times a week. In the comments to Kim’s post the…

LinkedIn: Engagement Comes First (and You’re Using it Wrong)

Facebook is for private stuff and LinkedIn for work-related things, right? Wrong – at least partly. It is easy to fall for this, though – because that is how these companies market themselves. I recently discovered something that made me rethink this assumption. Here is why. Most people give away “private data” much more freely on LinkedIn Like many others…

4 Ideas for Content Optimization (Other Than Keywords)

If you are active in content marketing, I guess you have heard (or read) the advice that you have to keyword optimize your content. While I agree that you should consider which are the words people expect you to use for certain topics and which terms are commonly used, I also think putting too much focus on keyword optimization can…