Online Marketing Consulting… All You Needed Was A Simple Answer?!

I believe that online marketing consulting is broken – and that you, the clients are the ones that pay the price. The following is why, but let’s start with a short story: “Wait a second. You hired us to help you optimize your online marketing activities, but you are not collecting data… at all? You are flying blind.” That was…

Top 5 Favorite Hobbies of Successful Entrepreneurs

The following is a guest post by Jill Phillips. Jill is a freelance writer from Buffalo, NY. She is an aspiring entrepreneur and tech enthusiast, who loves to share her insight on various topics. When she is not writing, Jill enjoys taking photos and hiking with her dog. Connect with Jill via Twitter @jillphlps For anyone with an eight-hour day job, being…

11 Timely Tricks To Get More Out Of Your Online Marketing Process

The following is a guest post by Eileen O’Shanassy. Eileen is a freelance writer and blogger based out of Flagstaff, AZ. She writes on a variety of topics and loves to research and write. She enjoys baking, biking, and kayaking. Check out her Twitter @eileenoshanassy. The first thing to know about online marketing is that it doesn’t happen on its…

Content Marketing Trends and Predictions for 2017

The following is a guest post by Oscar Waterworth. Oscar is a writer from Sydney and one of the editors at Bizzmarkblog. He enjoys reading and writing about the latest news in the tech, marketing, and business industries. To stay updated with Oscar’s latest posts, you can follow him on Twitter. Content marketing has managed to stay one of the hottest topics in the…

How to Consistently Speed Up Your Content/Editorial Process

The following is a guest post by Cassidy Hennigan. Cassidy is an HR professional and a fellow Templates Assistant contributor. She loves cracking raw data, devouring marketing and technology advances and pulverizing nagging habits through goal setting, automation, and ethical hacking. You are kindly invited to visit Cassidy’s Twitter @CassidyHennigan. Content marketing is the number one trend that continues to redefine…

9 Free Tools To Speed Up Your Site For Drastic SEO and User Experience Improvements

The page speed your page loads at after a user has clicked on a link to your site or entered a URL in his/her browser is of vital importance to your SEO results and the user experience your site provides to your visitors. Why is that? It’s really simple: The better Google ranks the user experience on your site, the…

5 Creative Ways To Upgrade A Simple Blog Post To Boost Your Traffic

Writing informative, interesting, entertaining and valuable blog posts can be fun – but it is also a lot of work, takes time and effort. Putting so much effort into creating the best possible blog posts for your audience means you want to get as many interested readers to see and consume your content as possible. Actively distributing your content in…

9 Steps To Understanding Pinterest’s Smart Feed

When I first started playing around with Pinterest years ago, what I saw in my feed was simply the pins from people I followed in chronological order. It is not that simple anymore. Today your home feed displays what Pinterest calls the „Smart Feed.“ When Pinterest became more and more popular, it became clear to the people behind Pinterest that…

How to Sell to Your Email List For the First Time (& Succeed)

The following is a guest post by Patrick Foster, eCommerce entrepreneur, coach & writer. Patrick is currently writing on where he shares engaging eCommerce content for entrepreneurs and business owners. You can follow him on Twitter here, or add him on LinkedIn. Got an army of loyal followers and readers? Not quite sure how to broach selling to them for…