Are you a blogger or someone thinking about starting a blog? Do you need inspiration, motivation, and information to follow your dreams? Here are the best books for bloggers that we found helpful and entertaining. You will learn how to start a blog and get some advanced blogging tips.
Are you looking for some great, entertaining, and informative books you should read to get better at blogging? You want to suck up all the knowledge you can get – and need?
These books will help you get your blogging to new heights or help you with the basic information you have been looking for. These are the best books for bloggers to get you started with blogging and right on the track to success.
Books about Motivation, Inspiration, and Self-Organization
Before you read on - we have various resources that show you exactly how to use social networks to gain massive traffic and leads. For instance, check out the following:
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1. Atomic Habits
by James Clear
In one of his Podcast episodes, Jonathan has talked about the importance of habits for blogging success. In fact, forming habits is far more important than a huge budget if you want to start a blog.
The book Atomic Habits, James Clear not only talks about the importance of habits but also gives you the toolkit you need to start building better habits. He shows you how small changes can help you form outstanding habits – and stick to them. This book takes you from self-improvement to building the habits you need to keep improving.
2. You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life
Can you relate? You KNOW you are great and have the knowledge to help others but when it comes to making a deal, finding clients, and living an awesome life the self-doubts come into your way? You find yourself far timider than you need to be and you are afraid of speaking out and selling yourself? Then this book is for you.
Packed to the brim with inspiring stories and exercises you learn how to overcome self-doubt and stop the behaviors that keep you from getting what you want and deserve.
3. Company of One
by Paul Jarvis
Hey, before you read on - we have in various FREE in-depth guides on similar topics that you can download. For this post, check out:
The first business I ever founded was planned to grow big. The second is a blogging business and so far is still just Jonathan and me.
And that is what this book is all bout: That big business in the digital age does not always mean big company but that you may find you self fulfillment in a one (or two) person business and that the freedom that comes with it may be worth it?
Success should not be measured in the number of employees or the size of the office – ask yourself what YOU want. The answer may be smaller and more satisfactory that all the big career steps you have been dreaming of?
4. The 4 Hour Workweek
Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich
This is a classic. But it is still so relevant. You will learn how to set up habits so that you don’t get lost in the daily rut.
Tim Ferris is a must-read for entrepreneurs and bloggers as you learn how to focus on the most important things instead of.
5. On Writing. A Memoir of the Craft
If you want to become a better writer: Read a lot. That tip is directly from Stephen King’s On Writing.
Starting with reading Stephen King is always a good idea for aspiring writers – reading his take about becoming a writer and all the ups and downs that come with it is certainly more than entertaining.
You will learn a lot about habits and how writing every day will make everything easier. If he can do it with 1000 words per day, that should enable you to get at least one or two blog posts out per week?!
Read the book until the end, there is always another tip you should not miss.
6. Manage Your Day-to-Day
Build Your Routine, Find Your Focus, and Sharpen Your Creative Mind (The 99U Book Series)
By Jocelyn K. Glei
If you already read the 4 hour workweek you will already know that being successful without working yourself to death to a large part is based on understanding what is important and what is not.
After reading this book words like over-extended, over-distracted, and overwhelmed will be words from your past. This book teaches you to focus and prioritize.
7. Faster, Smarter, Louder: Master Attention in a Noisy Digital Market
by Aaron Agius, Gian Clancey
The online world is crowded and it is getting harder to stand out in the digital market by the day. But there are still ways to get the attention of your audience even if others are out there competing with you. This book will give you all the methods and processes that most successful online entrepreneurs have used to build their online empire.
Take your time reading this book – and dig deeper into all the awesome stories!
8. Creative Confidence: Unleashing the Creative Potential Within Us All
By Tom Kelley and David Kelley
Being creative does not come naturally to everyone. In this book you will learn principles and strategies of being creative – told in a very entertaining way. Believe Guy Kawasaki when he says: “This is the only book about creativity that you’ll ever need.”
9. Talk Triggers, The complete guide to creating customers with word of mouth
Jay Baer, Daniel Lemin
If you are a blogger or online entrepreneur you know how hard it can be to find ONE new customer or even one new reader for your blog content. Now imagine that every single one of your customers or readers would tell a friend who would also become a customer or blog reader. Just like that, your customer base would double or your blog audience would double.
So what if I told you there was a secret to making that happen: it is called word-of-mouth marketing.
This book does not promise you to make you go viral by magic. You will learn how to use triggers to get people to talk about you in a positive way. Learn how to create word-of-mouth and profit from it.
10. Not Taught: What It Takes to be Successful in the 21st Century that Nobody’s Teaching You
In the modern world, rules change. What was right in the industrial age may simply not apply for your blog or business today. Not Taught is a real eye-opener. You do not need money a title or even a formal education to succeed. What you really need is a willingness to learn and to contribute to the community you want to conquer. Make this world yours!
11. Make it Happen: Surrender Your Fear. Take the Leap. Live On Purpose.
You need a push to go from dreaming about it to actually doing it: Here it is!
Don’t let the fear of the change hold you back. This book is part self-help and part personal story. Get inspired to follow your dreams.
Books about Blogging
12. The Essential Habits Of 6-Figure Bloggers: Secrets of 17 Successful Bloggers You Can Use to Build a Six-Figure Online Business
This book is based on 17 interviews with successful bloggers from various niches. The topics of the interview questions were business strategies, background, habits, and characteristics. The book shares what the bloggers have in common and where they differ plus you will learn about three habits that the six-figure bloggers have in common.
You can use these habits, apply them to your own life, and become more successful through them.
13. Hustle: The Power to Charge Your Life with Money, Meaning, and Momentum
by Neil Patel, Patrick Vlaskovits, Jonas Koffler
One of our favorite marketing bloggers Neil Patel shares his view on how to game and outsmart the “system”. Learn what rules you should follow, and which ones to bend. Follow your heart, use your head and establish the right habits.
14. Blog, Inc.: Blogging for Passion, Profit, and to Create Community
The basics you need for starting a blog – all in one book. It is like taking a 101 class for blogging at business school and includes:
- The design you need
- Thinking about finances: what will it cost
- overcoming blogger’s block
- finding an audience
15. The One Hour Content Plan: The Solopreneur’s Guide to a Year’s Worth of Blog Post Ideas in 60 Minutes and Creating Content That Hooks and Sells
Do you know that feeling: You need a new post for your blog but somehow your brain is empty and you sit in front of your computer and would love to start writing but you simply have no idea what you should write about? That is when this book will be your best bet.
Meera Kothand gives you three methods for planning your content. The book will help you define the purpose of your blog – and your blog’s content. Then the book will help you to find content ideas that will help you to serve the blog’s purpose. This way the book can be the key to finding blogging success.
16. 365 Blog Topic Ideas: For The Lifestyle Blogger Who Has Nothing to Write About
The question most newbie bloggers ask is: But what am I going to write about? Are you afraid of running out of blogging ideas? Don’t be – ideas come from everyday life.
And if you need some inspiration, read this book and you will find a ton of inspiration that can be adapted to a lot of niches.
17. Get Rich Blogging
The six-figure blogger Zoe Griffin (Live Like A VIP) tells you how to become a blogger with only a laptop and an internet connection and turn it into a business. You will learn how to make money blogging.
18. How To Blog For Profit: Without Selling Your Soul
This is another book from a blogger who has made it big and knows exactly how to get there. Ruth Soukup blogs at and in this book she shares with you how to be successful as a blogger. The book is for beginners and helps you find your way through all the different things you have to consider when you are starting out.
19. EPIC BLOG: One-Year Editorial Planner
Another book by a successful blogger. Regina blogs at “by Regina” and in this book she shares what she found helpful for organizing the various tasks. It is a workbook that you can use for getting all tasks on a plan including a small business plan and 12 worksheets for your content planning for each month. If you feel a little overwhelmed and do not know where to start: Regina has you covered.
20. ProBlogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Income
by Darren Rowse and Chris Garrett
This book is a classic between all the books about blogging. Written by two of the most successful bloggers, the book is focused on explaining how to generate an income from blogging.
The book is a great starting point for new bloggers, explaining how to start with selecting a niche, starting the blog and making it famous.
Since the book wasn’t written yesterday you need to keep in mind that the money-making strategies in the book may not include everything that there exists. Still, the book is relevant and you will get a fair impression of what is possible.
21. Write. Publish. Grow. The Ultimate Guide To Guest Blogging
by Jonathan Gebauer, Susanna Gebauer
This is our own book about guest blogging. Every blogger should know about the benefits of guest blogging – and how to get it right for more audience, more engagement, more connections and more revenue.
Books About Content Creation and Writing
22. 21 Proven Ways to Create Compelling Content and Kiss Writer’s Block Goodbye
by Danny Iny, Jim Hopkinson and Alexis Rodrigo
At some point in your blogging life, you will run out of blog post ideas. And then you will be happy you have this book. Danny Iny (The Freddy Kruger Of Blogging) and his fellow writers not only give you ideas on how to come up with an endless stream of blog posts – but they also manage to tremendously motivate you – trust me!
23. Content Inc.: How Entrepreneurs Use Content to Build Massive Audiences and Create Radically Successful Businesses
I hope you are not wondering why we put this content marketing book on this list of books for bloggers. There are many parallels between content marketing and blogging. A successful blogger will have to know how to produce great content for an audience, grow an audience and if a blogger wants to turn the blog into a business he should also about creating products for this audience. This book tells you how to do this.
24. Everybody Writes: Your Go-To Guide to Creating Ridiculously Good Content
Are you afraid your writing may not be good enough? Don’t worry every blogger learned to create better content by just blogging. And if you want to start out with the best content you can produce: This book tells you how to come up with awesome content (and even if you are not a blogger you will need this book: Because in today’s world everybody needs to write.)
25. The Content Code: Six essential strategies to ignite your content, your marketing, and your business
Mark Schaefer has been one of the people influencing out marketing right from the start and his blog a goto place for information. In this book, he teaches you how to make your content stand out and conquer the phenomenon he calls “Content Shock”.
Mark connects the dots between content production, distribution, brand development and a lot more.
Books about Social Media
26. The Pinterest Traffic Code
by Susanna Gebauer, Jonathan Gebauer
Yes, I have written this book. And it contains everything I learned from years of marketing our blog on Pinterest.
I will be honest, our Pinterest success did not come overnight and I made a ton of mistakes on the way. I tried every piece of advice I found and some advice simply sucked. I found out what works and what is outdated. And I give you a step-by-step plan about how to set up your Pinterest and what you need to keep doing to grow traffic and leads from Pinterest.
27. Will the Real You Please Stand Up: Show Up, Be Authentic, and Prosper in Social Media
Newbie bloggers often ask how much personality is right to put into their blog. and Kim Garst gives the answer: Be yourself whatever it takes. Social media may be a channel where you can try to be someone else, but in the end, you will be recognized as a fake. It is your personality that makes you stand out and enable you to build authentic relationships.
28. The Art of Social Media: Power Tips for Power Users
by Peg Fitzpatrick and Guy Kawasaki
If you think about spreading the word about your blog with social media this book is a great starting point. You will learn everything you need from setting up your profile(s) to feeding your accounts with content from your blog.
(Go for the Kindle version of this book, it is packed with links to more information that won’t work in the printed book)
29. Likeable Social Media
A quick read with tons of examples, this book is perfect for new bloggers who want to learn the basics about spreading the word about their work with social media. You get a clear action plan for each chapter – and a lot of case studies to learn from.
30. The Social Traffic Code
by Jonathan Gebauer, Susanna Gebauer
This book is tall about blog traffic. The proven process we describe in this book helped us grow this blog from 0 to 50k visitors per month – in just 6 months. The same process helped us grow our first business to over 500k pageviews.
You get easy to follow step-by-step action plans. If you do your homework, you will see the first results within days and some serious traffic after 4 weeks. And the traffic will keep growing!
Are you still looking for more books for bloggers?
If you are looking for more advice on social media and how to market your blog to a larger audience check out my list of social media marketing books you should read!