Link Building: 5 Tactics Pros Use to Beat the Competition

The following is a guest post by Liakat Hossain. Liakat Hossain is a content marketing professional at WebAlive, a Melbourne based SEO agency. He has been helping businesses grow by developing content marketing strategies since 2011. When not busy, he likes to research on current online marketing strategies. If you ask any person with decent knowledge about link building, this…

11 Blogging Best Practices to Help You Turn Your Blog into a Business

Blogging is fun and it is a lifestyle. But blogging is also a business. If you want to turn your blog into a business many bloggers have to slightly change their blogging approach. Blogging best practices can help you to do that. Instead of writing what they want, and how they want to write it they suddenly have to consider…

How To Set Up Recurring Queues For Twitter With SocialOomph (And Why)

When talking to bloggers and young business owners, some of the first questions are: How much time do I need to invest to keep my Twitter account running and growing? How can I set up my social accounts so that I can manage them and still get my regular work done? The answer is: Use recurring queues for Twitter with…

What are Twitter Lists and How Can You Use Them

We have written a lot about Twitter and the Twitter features you should know. But we have so far only scratched the surface about one Twitter feature that has so many valuable benefits that you should really know about it: Twitter lists. Twitter lists are not a new feature. In fact, ever since I really got familiar with Twitter and…

Instagram Stories: What are They and How Can You Use Them

More than 1 billion people are actively using Instagram every month. 90% of Instagram accounts follow brands on Instagram. More than 500 million people are using Instagram stories every day. Source: Instagram What are Instagram Stories? Instagram stories are a special kind of post on Instagram that is not featured in the Instagram feed and vanishes after 24 hours. Instagram…

How to use Twitter Polls and the Best Twitter Poll Ideas and Examples

Twitter has many features that you can use but do not have to use. One feature that you should know about and consider for your Twitter strategy are Twitter polls. This type of tweet allows you to ask your audience questions and get a weighted answer from your Twitter crowd. While polls will not provide you with scientific statistics, they…

Digital Marketing Images and How to Use them for Marketing Success

You may have noticed that images play an essential role in digital marketing. But are you also aware of the reasons why images in your marketing strategy are so important? Are you convinced enough of the benefits of digital marketing images to ensure that all your content includes (enough) images? You don’t believe me that images have tremendous marketing power?…