How To Make Your Blog Look More Professional – Even If You Are A Newbie Blogger

A good blog shows personality. And some great blogs are great because their owner is human and not a perfect machine. But a serious blog also looks professional, even when it is new. As a new blogger, you should consider how you can make your blog look more professional. There are some things that just don’t look professional on your…

11 Blogging Best Practices to Help You Turn Your Blog into a Business

Blogging is fun and it is a lifestyle. But blogging is also a business. If you want to turn your blog into a business many bloggers have to slightly change their blogging approach. Blogging best practices can help you to do that. Instead of writing what they want, and how they want to write it they suddenly have to consider…

Why and How to Update Old Blog Posts for More Traffic

Have you been blogging for a while? Do you already have a fair number of blog posts published on your blog? Then these old posts contain a huge traffic opportunity and you should update old blog posts. Now could be an excellent time to head back to some of your older posts and give them a facelift. Because updating old…

How one Guest Post Doubled my Social Audience

Guest blogging is a lot more than a strategy to build links for your SEO to improve your search rankings. There are many marketing goals that you can reach through guest blogging. And there is one major aspect of online marketing that is not only easy to achieve through a guest post. In addition, it can be combined with any…

The Loneliness of Blogging – and How I Deal With It

So, you want to be a blogger – or already are one. Then, hopefully, you are aware of the long lonely workdays that are ahead of you. You will experience the loneliness of blogging rather sooner than later. What? You thought blogging was all laziness, fun, leisure and living your dream? The loneliness of a blogger’s life Well,… The truth…

6 Ways to Give Your Blog Posts a Second Wave of Traffic

You probably have some of these on your blog, too: The blog posts that you created with care and love but which somehow never found a lot of love with your audience. Or blog posts that did get a little attention from your audience but could simply do with a little more affection. Today’s post is about giving these blog…

What is Clients-Convert-Clients Marketing and How Can It Help To Boost Conversions

The following is a guest post by Carsten Schaefer. Carsten is the founder and CEO of, the first Clients-Convert-Clients Marketing platform. Inspired by principles and mechanisms of social proof, Carsten is currently on a mission to help businesses become trustworthy and thrive in the digital landscape.  Every business needs customers to survive. The math is simple: get more clients, and your…

WordPress Security: 7 Tips to Keep Your WordPress Site Secure

The following is a guest post by Devin Morrissey. Devin writes in his garage and examines car parts in his office.  He aspires to be an eternal student, writing wherever the web takes him. WordPress is the platform that more sites on the web are built on than any other, and for good reason. The platform is versatile, powerful, and user-friendly.…