How To Make Your Blog Look More Professional – Even If You Are A Newbie Blogger

A good blog shows personality. And some great blogs are great because their owner is human and not a perfect machine. But a serious blog also looks professional, even when it is new. As a new blogger, you should consider how you can make your blog look more professional. There are some things that just don’t look professional on your…

5 Ways to Give Your Web Business a Boost during the “Slow Summer”

Summer – it’s warm outside, but web businesses often struggle during these months. People simply like to spend more time in the sun then surf the web, or even take their full yearly holidays to spend time with their families. And that’s when web traffic drops. And with the drop in web traffic come slow sales, smaller advertising revenues, and…

Content Publishing: Own Blog vs. Guest Posting

Yesterday we talked to someone who just started a new project and who has to think about how to best raise attention for his new project. There is no question that they are going for content publishing. But in answer to my remark “You don’t have a blog yet!” he raised the question what would be better for their content: Publish…