30 Twitter Facts And Statistics You Can’t Ignore

Twitter is one of the “older” social networks. Still, I often have the impression, that especially with young entrepreneurs and small businesses, Twitter is also one of the most undervalued networks. The important Twitter facts seem to elude the average entrepreneur and blogger. Somehow it seems that the benefits of being active on Twitter are not overly obvious. And regardless…

8 Reasons Twitter Is A Small Business Marketer’s Best Friend

A small business marketer often is the owner or founder of the business itself. They have limited time for marketing. On the other hand, there are numerous social networks, all offering some way to market a business. And there are also huge differences between the networks. Some are easy to start a new presence; some are rather complicated to find…

10 Twitter Changes You Should Know About – And May Have Missed

At its core, Twitter has been almost the same over the past couple of years. While other networks had major changes, Twitter still is the same old messaging network with 140 characters at the center of all activity. But the truth is that Twitter is changing. Maybe not with big announcements and there are not millions of social media consultants…

10 Crazy Mistakes Many Beginners Make On Twitter

Talking to many people who are not marketing professionals, founders, young business owners and bloggers I realized that there are many mistakes you can make with Twitter. And these Twitter mistakes can easily lead to frustration and lack in positive results. The feeling arises that „Twitter is not for me“ for some routines that can be easily changed and adapted.…

Upcoming Webinar: 7 Hacks That Turned Twitter Into A Perfect Sales Channel For Us

Save your spot in the upcoming free Twitter Webinar: „7 Hacks That Turned Twitter Into A Working Sales Channel For Us“. The Webinar will take place on Wednesday, June 8, 9 AM PDT. We know how hard it can be to figure out how all the social networks really work and how to get from social media activity what you…