The Social Ms

Go Freelance, Make A Life, Write A Blog (3 Inspirational Stories)

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by Jonathan Gebauer (@jogebauer)

Sounds easy, right?

Well it’s not that easy – but it’s entirely possible. Most people won’t simply make a living by blogging, but in connection with a freelance business, and some effective social media marketing, it may be just the road you want to travel.

Sometimes you just need some positive examples to get yourself motivated, and this is going to be a quick post for motivation. Some examples to learn from and success stories to follow, nothing more, nothing less.

Before you read on - we have various resources that show you exactly how to use social networks to gain massive traffic and leads. For instance, check out the following:

FREE Step-by-Step Twitter Marketing Guide
FREE Pinterest Marketing Ebook

Philip Bloom – Go Freelance, Become A Star, Stay Human

Never heard of Philip Bloom? Than you’re probably not in the movie and filmmaking industries.

As far as I know, Philip Bloom used to be a regular cameraman at Sky in the UK. He used to do regular TV work, mostly news and documentaries – nothing out of the ordinary. But then he decided to go freelance.

Like any freelancer, he had to market himself, and I can only guess how hard his first years must have been. Back in those days, camera technology was far from where it is today. Movie and TV cameras were expensive, and getting the movielike images (that Philip is known for today) on budget equipment was hard.

Philip made himself one of the forerunners of a revolution – the use of video technology within photography cameras. Canon at that time started to implement video technology into their traditional DSLR cameras, and Philip was among the first to use them for professional video work.

But he didn’t just use them – he told the world about them. He started a blog, wrote camera reviews, tutorials, wrote about his latest shooting gigs and about what he learned every day. He started to market himself on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, …).

Today, he is well known in the industry. According to his bio, his site drives more than a million visitors a month. He even worked on a high budget Hollywood movie (Red Tails) after Lucasfilm (yes, those guys that did Star Wars) hired him for his expertise with DSLRs.

You might not have heard about Philip Bloom, but make no mistake, among his peers, he is a rock star. All due to a blog, talent, social media and a captivating personality.

Hey, before you read on - we have in various FREE in-depth guides on similar topics that you can download. For this post, check out:

FREE Beginner's Guide: START A BLOG

But what makes Philip special is that throughout all his work, all his blog posts, all his fame and all his glamour, his humanity always shines through. One of his greatest blog posts is about work life balance (or the lack of it) – read it for some heart breaking insights into a workaholics life.

Jeff Bullas – When You Are Bankrupt, Start A Marketing Blog

Ever read an article on Jeff Bullas site? If you are interested in marketing at all, chances are that you have.

6 years ago, Jeff Bullas was $50,000 in debt, his business was bankrupt and he was going through a divorce. Twitter and Facebook were fairly new and he came across a blog post on Hubspot saying that if you only have the slightest idea of what you want to write about on your blog – just start. So he did.

According to Jeff’s own words his first blog posts were terrible – yet with writing he constantly became a better writer. Like myself, Jeff claims to be heavily inspired by Stephen King’s notes on writing: If you want to write a lot, read a lot.

Today, Jeff’s blog has become one of the most important marketing blogs in the world. He himself is one of the most important social media marketers in the world. He is currently #8 on the Forbes Social Media Power Influencers list, as well as a speaker on many marketing conferences. His blog became his business and he has inspired many other social media marketers – like me.

Btw – if you believe that these kinds of success stories only happen in the US – Jeff does all this from Sydney, Australia.

If you want to start your own (money-making) blog, you need traffic and an audience. We created our ebook “Start, Run, And Make Money With Your Blog” for aspiring bloggers who need a little help to keep everything in mind and get on the path to success right from the start. Check it out!

Pat Flynn – Losing Your Job Can Change Your Life For The Better

Pat runs one of the most profitable blogs on the web.

It’s called Smart Passive Income. And that is also what it is all about: Making money without working, at least without working too hard. He claims he is the “crash test dummy of online business” and on his blog, he shares what works and what doesn’t work. He also publishes monthly earning reports and therefore you always know how much money he makes with his online business.

It wasn’t always like this.

Back in 2008, Pat lost his job working for an architecture agency. Financially he had some runway, he had recently started blogging and due to the financial crisis, job offers weren’t pouring in.

He decided to give his online business and blogging a go.

He now has monthly revenues of over $90,000. Working alone and from home.

His site is not just a good example of this way of life, it is also a great resource if you want to give it a try yourself. Want to know which affiliate marketing products and strategies work? Pat is going to tell you.

Final Words

These are some examples of how blogging, social media, and marketing yourself (and sometimes others) can be a viable route for your life. That doesn’t mean it’s for you – you need to make that decision yourself.

But maybe it is – do you feel inspired?

Let us know in the comments!

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