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20 Email Marketing Statistics that Will Change Your Blogging Approach

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Email marketing has been declared dead more often than I can recount. At the same time, marketers swear by the power of email marketing. This article is about what email marketing statistics reveal that bloggers and marketers should know.

So what do the numbers say?

Should you or should you not put your time (and some money) into growing an email list? Or can you focus on some other tasks in your blogging journey?

The following numbers will give you solid proof that email marketing will be one of the most important marketing channels for any blogger – including you.

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You will learn through numbers, data, and facts what you can expect from your email marketing efforts – and how you can improve your results from email marketing through some optimizations, changes, and tweaks to your email marketing strategy.

As Neil Patel put it: “Email marketing will be your highest converting traffic channel,” but you have to do it right, and the following email marketing statistics can answer some of your email marketing questions.

1. What is the ROI of Email Marketing:

For every dollar spent, email marketing generates 38$. That makes email the marketing channel with the highest ROI for marketers.

Source Campaign Monitor

The ROI of email marketing can vary for different industries. It was higher for the travel industry in 2019, with 53$ earned for every 1$ spent.

The ROI of email marketing even increased in recent years. Also, people seem to like to get promotional messages from brands. Find these and other interesting marketing facts in this article.

Source Hubspot

Hey, before you read on - we have in various FREE in-depth guides on similar topics that you can download. For this post, check out:

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59% of marketers say email is their biggest source for ROI!

Source: Emma

2. Email influences purchase decisions

59% of people getting marketing emails say that their purchase decisions are influenced by emails.

Over 50% of the people asked in a study say they actually buy after receiving a marketing email about once a month. And only a staggeringly small percentage of people claim that they NEVER buy after receiving a marketing email (2%.)

Source: SaleCycle

3. How much is an email address worth?

An email address is worth 84.50$ – on average. This number tremendously varies for various industries. An email address in the travel industry is said to be worth 236$ – and an email address in retail comes at just 79$.

Source: SaleCycle

4. Abandoned cart emails can increase sales

Abandoned Cart emails can tremendously increase sales: sending 3 abandoned cart emails can give you 69% more orders!

Source: Oberlo

5. How many emails and when should you send them

Around 280 Billion emails are sent – and received – every day (2018)

Source: Statista

The best days to send an email considering email opens, clicks, and order rates are the first 10 days of a month. The one day with the best order rate is the 29th.

Source: SaleCycle

The best time to send an email per day seems to be around 10 AM when people arrived in their office or at 1pm after lunch. However, click-through rates are higher later in the day, around 6PM.

Source GetResponse

While email open rates are higher on a week-day than Saturday or Sunday, the weekend tops the weekdays by higher click-to-open rates – and fewer emails send overall.

Source GetResponse

6. Global Email users are still increasing

In 2019 global email users grew to 3.9 billion. It is expected that this number will grow to 4.48 billion in 2024.

Source Statista

7. The trend is going to mobile

In 2018 43% of emails were opened on a mobile device. Webmail accounted for 39% of all email opens.

Source: Statista

You should optimize for mobile. 42.3% of people say they delete emails that are not optimized for mobile – only 11.3% will read unoptimized emails.

Source: SaleCycle

81% of people check their email on mobile. Smartphones are the most popular device to check emails, especially in the younger age group younger than 35 years old.

Source EmailMonday

Work email is far less likely to be checked on a Smartphone than personal email. Work email is more likely to be checked on the desktop.

Source EmailMonday

The iPhone email app is the most popular email client with a market share of 29% in 2018. In the same observed period, Gmail ranked second with a market share of 27%. In 2018 Gmail reported 1.5 billion active users.

Source: Statista

8. People don’t open emails from unknown sources

Due to malicious emails, 45% of internet users say they avoid opening emails from unknown sources.

Source: Statista

9. Too many unimportant emails waste a huge part of a workweek

28% of a workweek is spent reading and answering emails – but only half of the emails deserve the attention!

Source: SaneBox

Email marketing and sending newsletters is the best way to nurture leads say 31% of marketers – according to Content Marketing Institute.

10. Too many useless emails will result in unsubscribes

The top reason people unsubscribe from promotional emails is that they received too many irrelevant emails – followed by the simple reason that a subscriber is no longer interested in a brand.

Source: Quicksprout

11. Email is one of the best content distribution channels

Email is one of the top three organic content distribution channels – besides social media and a companies blog or content website.

Source: Content Marketing Institute

12. Email marketing results vary between industries and continents

Email open rates, Click-Through-Rates (CTR), Click-to-Open Rates, and unsubscribe rates can vary tremendously between industries -and continents.

On average, the open rate for all areas is 22,15%, with a CTR of 3,43%, and an unsubscribe rate of 0,2%.

However, Europe’s open rates are much higher at 26,84% compared to North America at just 19%.

Source: GetResponse

13. Personalization can increase email performance

Email Personalization is the most commonly used tactic to increase email performance. Other tactics used are segmentation, email automation, and dynamic content.

Source: Hubspot

14. Emojis in the subject line could be a good idea

Emojis in your subject line have the power to increase your open rates by 3% – but are only used by less than 4% of marketers.

Source: GetResponse

15. Consider a Pre Header if you want more people to open your emails

Adding a preheader to your email can increase your email open rates by 6% – only 11% of marketers use it. In case you don’t know what a preheader is: it is the first line of text in your email that people can see BEFORE they open the email.

Source: GetResponse

16. Welcome emails have the highest open rates

Welcome emails have the highest open rates of all email types. Over 80% of subscribers will open your welcome email that is an incredible 8 out of 10!

Source: GetResponse

17. Personalization increases Email Open Rates by 26%

Source: Campaign Monitor

18. Videos in emails can increase click rates by 300%!

Source: Oberlo

19. Segmentation of your email audience has huge power

Segmentation of your email audience by conversion relevant factors like demographics, purchase history, email activity, and other factors have the power to increase your revenue from an email campaign by 760%.

Source: Campaign Monitor

20. Engagement on emails is on the rise.

78% of marketers have seen an increase in email engagement in 2019.

Source: Hubspot

Email engagement is the top metric that B2B marketers track to measure their content performance – followed by website traffic, website engagement, and social media analytics. 90% of marketers say they track email engagement.

Source: Content Marketing Institute

Final words on email marketing statistics

Email marketing is an important marketing channel. It is never too early to start growing your email list, nurture your subscribers with informative emails, and utilize the power of email to increase your blog’s revenues.

The above email marketing statistics prove the importance of email. But they also give you some tips and hints on how you can improve the results from your email marketing efforts.

If you want to be successful with email marketing, you need the right email marketing tool. We tried many of the available tools and we decided on ConvertKit. From our point of view, ConvertKit is the best email marketing software for bloggers and small businesses like us.

Do you want to start your email marketing? Do you need some help with the basics of list building and newsletter best practices?

Get our free ebook “Email Marketing Recipes” – and get email marketing tips that will help you start your email marketing the better way.

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