Special offer for trigger-happy online success seekers. One chance only - you will never see this offer again!


You Are Missing Out On New Business From Twitter!

(You already knew that, didn't you?)

Siblings Jonathan and Susanna Gebauer are reknown social media influencers who built their success primarily through their Twitter accounts.

This book explains how they did it, and how you can too.

You’ll Learn:

Why Twitter is the best social network to get your social media presence going and why Twitter should be used by every business.

Why and how Twitter accounts can be grown fast without annoying your audience.

Why and how to use conversations on Twitter for your business success.

How to use Twitter to drive traffic, generate leads and build relationships.

How to find your way through the jungle of tools available for Twitter marketing.

Susanna Gebauer

Susanna Gebauer

Jonathan Gebauer

Jonathan Gebauer

About the Authors

Siblings Jonathan and Susanna Gebauer have been running like wildfire through the social media marketing world together for years. They recently scored big in Onalytica's yearly list of social media influencers (Sept. 16).

Jonathan and Susanna Gebauer recently scored #54 and #16 on Onalytica's yearly social media marketing influencer list, while their business The Social Ms was ranked #15 in brands. 

Their success is largely based on their Twitter activity and expertise on Twitter marketing - and they are arguably the most advanced Twitter marketers worldwide. While they also do social media consulting work,

their main business activity is providing learning materials for social media marketing to entrepreneurs and small businesses.

While ultimately a success story, Jonathan and Susanna had their fair share of failures in their business history and even on social media. Their mission is to prevent others from making the same experiences.

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