Sorry for the Star Wars pun in the title – it just seemed fitting.
The last article on this blog was on December 17. Regarding online business and blogging, 2 weeks without an update are a long time. And this has been the first time since we are running this blog that we haven’t published a post here after more than 7 days.
What happened?
Well – there are a couple of reasons for this: The holidays for instance.
Before you read on - we have various resources that show you exactly how to use social networks to gain massive traffic and leads. For instance, check out the following:
FREE Step-by-Step Twitter Marketing GuideFREE Pinterest Marketing Ebook
But more importantly – we simply needed a break. A break from social media, a break from blogging, a break to recover. Running an online business can be exhausting – and we have been doing it in one way or another for almost 6 years now. Almost without breaks.
Sometimes you need time off – time to think.
Which leads me to the real reason we needed some time off: We needed to make decisions.
Because now – in 2016 – The Social Ms has reached a point where we needed to decide on how to proceed. Take it to another level so to speak. Because – we are running this blog as a business, not just for fun. And with a business you sometimes need to decide how to move forward.
The Game Plan For 2016
So – now, in 2016, we have some announcements to make. (Luckily the Star Wars hype seems not to stand in our way anymore…) Here is what we are up to:
- First: Nothing will change on this blog – we will continue to publish new articles on this blog with roughly the same schedule as before.
- We will continue to publish guest posts – if we believe they bring value to our little community. So if you want to publish on The Social Ms – send us your draft. We always take a look.
- We will launch a heap of new products in the coming weeks and month. These will include new courses specific to particular topics. We will also soon start rolling out ebooks for those who think a full blown online course is too much but want to get some knowledge anyway.
- Later this year we might also launch a series of webinars.
- We will soon release the last 2 courses of The Social Media Traffic Generation Masterclass – but we have another bonus for members of the Masterclass: Everything that we release as a product from now on will become available to members of the Masterclass!!! We want the Masterclass to become a growing library of social media and online Marketing knowledge. The Masterclass is and will be for a long time our premium product. The best we can give to you and we want the Social Media Traffic Generation Masterclass to be the best online course system for online marketing, period.
This is our plan for 2016. We aim to deliver.
The First Release: The Amazing Twitter Marketing Course
When we created the Social Networks Course for The Social Media Traffic Generation Masterclass, we found that the format didn’t allow us to go into depth with the incredible possibilities that Twitter offers for Marketing. That is one reason we decided to create another Twitter course. And we are almost ready.
We currently plan to release The Amazing Twitter Marketing Course tomorrow – but you know how these things go, it might be Wednesday.
This course will cover all of our (extensive) Twitter knowledge. And for those of you who haven’t already bought The Social Media Traffic Generation Masterclass – it will be available for a price that is almost too cheap to be profitable for us. But more on that once it is released.
Hey, before you read on - we have in various FREE in-depth guides on similar topics that you can download. For this post, check out:
(As stated before – if you are a member of the Masterclass – you will receive the course for free!)
The Second Release: Social Media Growth Basics Ebook
We are also almost finished with our first ebook – Social Media Growth Basics.
This ebook is based on the first course of The Social Media Traffic Generation Masterclass. Now this may sound like this is just introductory material – but it is not. This ebook covers the knowledge that you can implement to gain almost instant results – new social media followers and friends, new leads, and more sales!
We want this ebook to be your “entry drug” – if you don’t trust us enough to buy the Social Media Traffic Generation Masterclass just yet – you can get this ebook for a much lower price. And if you decide you want to continue to learn from us, you will get a bonus code that will subtract the asking price of the ebook from the total price of the Masterclass!
Does that sound like a good deal?
Final Words
This is our plan for 2016 – grow our online business. But what is yours? Did you take some days off to rethink your online strategy and to decide on how to build your business? What did you come up with? How do you plan to awaken the force? (God, I’m such a Star Wars nerd…)
Please tell us in the comments!