22 Easy Ways To Increase Twitter Engagement

While you know that engagement is crucial for more reach in social networks like Facebook and Instagram, you may not be aware that Twitter engagement also has tremendous power to increase your marketing success. The chronological Twitter feed did not consider how much engagement an account or tweet got. No matter the engagement, the tweets were listed in strictly chronological…

17 Tactics for More Social Media Engagement

In my previous article, I wrote about WHY you should engage with your audience. Today, I want to give you some tips, tricks, and tactics to get more social media engagement from your audience. 1. Schedule your updates There are good times to post. These times depend on your audience and your topics. Some topics are more relevant during working…

5 Steps to Improve Your Customer Service Using Twitter

The following is a guest post by Patrick Cole. Patrick Cole is an entrepreneur and freelancer. He is also a contributing blogger for several websites. Patrick loves self-education and rock music. Connect with Patrick via Facebook, Google+ and Twitter. Twitter is truly a fantastic program to use to improve your customer service outreach. Customers don’t even need to follow you for…