3 Tools For Social Media Marketing That Nobody Ever Admits Using

Let’s start with a warning: Reading this may cause your hat to roll off. Your black hat, gray hat or white hat, I mean. Somehow, there is still a lot of talk about social media marketing that is done the proper way, and social media marketing that is done the wrong way. And terms like “black hat” or “white hat”…

Why And How To Build An Audience – Long Before You Got A Product

Again and again, I hear from entrepreneurs and founders „we do not need marketing yet, we are still working on our product“. And later when they are nearing their launch or are trying to find their path to growth, what they are severely lacking is an audience, which they failed to build long before the launch. One of the biggest…

11 Reasons Why Twitter Is a Great Starting Point to Grow a Social Audience

A while ago we went to a startup event where a person representing an accelerator said: „every entrepreneur needs to be on Twitter.“ And he is dead right. He continued by saying that he would not get why so many founders, especially in Germany, are still not on Twitter. That is something that is not only true for entrepreneurs. And…

7 Ways To Grow Your Social Audience That Are Not Paid Ads

Many people are frustrated when they are starting out in Social Media. They are stuck in a circle: No Followers – No shares and retweets – no social audience – no new followers. No matter how great the information is which you share on your social accounts without an initial audience, it is like a well-hidden secret which no one…