LinkedIn: Engagement Comes First (and You’re Using it Wrong)

Facebook is for private stuff and LinkedIn for work-related things, right? Wrong – at least partly. It is easy to fall for this, though – because that is how these companies market themselves. I recently discovered something that made me rethink this assumption. Here is why. Most people give away “private data” much more freely on LinkedIn Like many others…

How “Brands” relate to “Sales” in Social Media

by Susanna Gebauer (@dreckbaerfrau) I am sure, some of my readers will already have the response on their tongue: “Social Media is not about selling” – but that is less than half the truth. Most of us marketers (and not only us) would not even be in social media (or maybe only to chat with friends) without the possibility to…

Why Some Freelancers Fail at Social Media in 4 Lessons

by Susanna Gebauer (@dreckbaerfrau) I was asked this question yesterday – and decided it deserved a longer answer. Because no short answer does do this very important questions justice. There are several points to social media activities, where you can be lead astray, and most of the mistakes are made not only by freelancers but also by others – for…