Social Media Marketing And Its Similarities To Training For A Marathon

A friend of mine is going to run the Berlin Marathon at the end of September this year. It all started over two and a half years ago when she asked me if I would run the Nike women’s run (called “We own the night” in 2013) with her. Since then she runs regularly, and it also motivated me to…

About the Big Misconception “Social Media Marketing Does not Work for Me”

In his last article, Jonathan wrote about the misunderstanding in social media marketing: The expectation of marketing success coming with the push of a red button. And you only need someone to show you where that red button is and how to push it. But as always: It is not that easy. I have been thinking if my take on…

Why You Will Always End Up Doing Your Marketing Yourself

Talking to startups and clients, I sometimes get the impression they believe for their marketing it would be sufficient to get some influencers to give a shout out or to get a handful of bloggers to write some coverage. Dream on: That’s neither enough nor is it likely to happen! The hard truth is: It is part of your job…