10 Surprisingly Easy Ways To Get More Traffic From Pinterest

There seem to be mainly two types of Pinterest users. On the one hand, there are many bloggers who build their complete blog business on traffic from Pinterest. On the other side, is an endless number of marketers and bloggers who can’t seem to make Pinterest work for them. In most cases, the simple reason is that just posting on…

How to Find the Best Traffic Source for YOUR Blog and Hit the Jackpot

When you start blogging, there are two mandatory questions you need to ask yourself: What kind of content you want/can to produce, and how to get traffic for your blog. Both questions don’t have simple answers – but for this post, I’ll assume that you have an answer to the first one. So, let’s see how we are going to…

7 (Almost) Forgotten Platforms To Promote Your Blog Posts

When you think about promoting your blog posts the first thoughts usually go to the big social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. Many bloggers find success through Pinterest. And even LinkedIn has long been on the radar of business bloggers to share their content with their friends and contacts. Email marketing has been discovered as one of the highest converting…

17 Small Mistakes That Stop You From Getting Big Time Traffic To Your Blog

When you are starting out with your blog – or even when you are already blogging for a couple of months – to find an audience for your blog is often hard. The number one reason why bloggers give up, ist because they fail to get enough readers to their blog. In today’s internet world, there are millions of blogs…