Why False Assumptions and Wrong Metrics Can Kill Your Marketing Success

In marketing we make many assumptions: How will people perceive a message? Who is our typical buyer? Where is our target audience? How can we attract the most buyers? What is the key trigger that makes people buy our product. … Our marketing success largely depends on us making the right assumptions, measuring the right numbers and noticing as early…

How Not to Build a New Presence in Social Media

There is so much crap social media advice out there, once in a while it simply leaves me speechless. As told before I am a member of a (German) Social Media Marketing group on Facebook. This morning I saw the (totally legitimate) question of how to gain fans on Facebook for a new page without paying for ads. Although there…

Why You Need to Approach Blogging Like a Business (Blogging Is NOT Art)

I recently made a discovery: Quite a few successful bloggers started their now famous blogs after failing at a different business. Let me give you an example: Uber-blogger Jeff Bullas, who writes one of the most successful marketing blogs in the world. Seven years ago Jeff went through a divorce; his business went bankrupt, and he was 50,000$ in debt.…

Blogging Success: 7 Reasons New Bloggers Fail

Recently in the comment section of an article on businesses grow by Mark Schaefer (“Why you don’t want to be Chris Brogan“) a discussion between Jay Baer and Jonathan came up if in today’s internet world Jay would still build his business around a blog or if it even would be possible today to really grow a successful blog. From…

Your Road to Twitter Success in 6 Easy Steps

We have written some articles about how to grow your Twitter account to achieve Twitter success. Our assumption for these articles was that you are already present on Twitter and “just” want to know how to grow a targeted following and with it gain more traffic to your content. Talking to some newbies on Twitter, I realized that there are…

Clicks per Share – G+ or Facebook – Are We Doing Facebook All Wrong?

Recently Jonathan and I talked about Google+ and our impression, that we get very little traffic from there to our blog. We discussed if this is either due to the fact that people don’t share our content on G+ or if people don’t click on content shared on G+. Incidentally, I was also pointed to an article on Business Insider,…

The Dark and Immoral Side of Content Marketing

I love Content Marketing – but there is a dark side to it. A very dark side. I realized this back in 2013 when I came back from a funeral – and had the unpleasant experience to read about Angelina Jolie’s double mastectomy. How exactly are Angelina Jolie’s breasts related to content marketing? Well, the connection is more visible than…

9 Ways to Keep Prospects Interested and Eventually Convert

A few days ago I came across a post/podcast by J. Baer on Convince & Convert (Jay’s posts recently inspire so many of our articles, you could call us fans 🙂 ) telling „You Should Give Your Customers a Slow Lane“. Reading this post, I thought “I am exactly this kind of person, who does not convert fast”. Actually – most…

Marketing Needs to Start BEFORE…

“Before what?” you ask. Before you actually launch something. Before you sell. Before you are even ready. If you are going to start something new – the minute you decide that you are going to do it is the right time to start marketing – do not make the mistake of waiting with your marketing until everything else is finished…

Influencers Are Lying and Statistics Are Only Telling Half The Truth

Last week Kim Garst posted an article about various ideas for posts for your Facebook page. Kim writes in the article that you should post several times a day – but I guess some of you have heard about the statistic research stating that the optimal frequency would be ten times a week. In the comments to Kim’s post the…