Why you need and how to find YOUR Growth Hack – Podcast Episode

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Ever read a success story about a growth hack and thought: “I will do exactly the same?” If that is how you approach growth hacking, you will fail. Here is how to do it right!

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This episode of Marketing in Minutes was recorded with the following equipment:

Before you read on - we have various resources that show you exactly how to use social networks to gain massive traffic and leads. For instance, check out the following:

FREE Step-by-Step Twitter Marketing Guide
FREE Pinterest Marketing Ebook

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In this episode of Marketing in Minutes you will learn

  • Why you approach growth hacking the wrong way
  • How to improve your blogging and business success through growth hacking
  • Why you will hurt your business when you don’t

All in under 10 minutes.


More Information on Growth Hacking

For more information about growth hacking, see the following posts:

Growth Hacking: What you need to know – Podcast Episode

How to Find the Best Traffic Source for YOUR Blog and Hit the Jackpot

How to Create a Marketing Strategy that Builds Your Business

For some marketing tactics that we have found help many businesses build their marketing strategy through growth hacking check out the following guides:

Hey, before you read on - we have in various FREE in-depth guides on similar topics that you can download. For this post, check out:

FREE Beginner's Guide: START A BLOG

The Step-by-Step Guide To SEO

The Step-by-Step Guide To Twitter

The Step-by-Step Guide To Pinterest

Episode Transcript

Below is the full transcript for this episode of Marketing in Minutes by The Social Ms

The Importance of Finding your own Growth HackEver read a success story about a growth hack and thought: "I will do exactly the same?" If that is how you approach growth hacking, you will fail. Here is how to do it right! #growthhacking #trafficgeneration #blogtraffic #digitalmarketing #marketinginminutes

So you have a business, and you read all those stories about growth hacking success?

And now you are probably frustrated – nothing ever seems to apply to your situation.

And even if you did try to do exactly what worked for some other company, it still didn’t work for you.

Why does it have to be like that?

Hi, I’m Jonathan Gebauer and this is Marketing in Minutes.

Welcome back to Marketing in Minutes by The Social Ms – the podcast that gives you all you need to know about one marketing topic per episode in just a couple of minutes.

I’m Jonathan Gebauer and today, let’s talk about why you need to find your own growth hack and how to do that.

But before we start, let me ask you for something: This podcast is still very new, and we really need to grow our audience. So, if you’re listening to this episode, and you like it, please subscribe and return for the next one. And if you can find the time, leave a short review on Apple podcasts.

If you don’t like it, just let me know what I should improve. Leave a comment on the show notes at blog.thesocialms.com/MiM-40 and let me know why you thought this podcast wasn’t worth your time.

But now, let’s get started.


Growth hacking is one of the biggest buzzwords in marketing. Everyone wants to find a growth hack for their own company. Some magic trick to make a startup’s numbers explode or a simple, automatic way of growing traffic to a blog.

And the web is full of success stories, so naturally, everyone tries to do exactly the same thing that has already worked for others.

And that’s where they fail. And not just that – doing that can actually hurt your company. To understand why that is happening you first have to understand why you have growth hacking all wrong.


Let me give you a quick overview.

Growth hacking is about finding out what works and only then starting to do more of that. And that’s where most people move in the wrong direction.

Because the important part is to find out what works for you and your business.

Ever read a success story about a growth hack and thought: "I will do exactly the same?" If that is how you approach growth hacking, you will fail. Here is how to do it right! #growthhacking #bloggingtips #onlinemarketing #blogpromotion #contentdistributionThe second part is the simple part of growth hacking – finding simple ways of doing more of what works for you. That’s what people mean when they talk about scaling the strategy, but the first part is what is important. You can’t scale anything if you don’t know what works for you and your business.

Growth hacking is more about finding out what works for you and your audience than about coming up with automations that grow your business for you.


After this introduction, it shouldn’t come as a surprise when you hear the following:

When you try to copy someone else’s successful growth hack, the most likely result is that nothing will happen.

When you approach your business growth this way, you are actually going to hurt your business – because when you copy complete growth hacks from start to finish, you are going to try to adapt to a strategy and not to create a strategy that works for you.

You are going to be left implementing a complicated process, that doesn’t fully apply to your business and therefore won’t work – but you are going to lose a lot of time and you are going to try to force your business in a direction that won’t help your growth.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t copy what works for others for your own growth hacking approach. But what you have to do is to start at the beginning.


In online marketing, there is a big difference in tactics and strategy. You can copy tactics – but the strategy that results from those tactics needs to be unique to you.

Growth hacking is a process of trying out tactics that could work for your company – and then deriving a growth strategy from the tactics that have already worked for you.

Marketing tactics are the small things that you can test out. These are the reasons you read all those marketing blogs with content like “How I got 10.000 visitors from Pinterest last month” – you know what I mean.

Try out as many of those tactics as you need to, measure the results and then if they work for you, scale.

Your marketing strategy is the result from gathering data from all those marketing tactics you tried out. And since every business is different and every audience is different, the mix of tactics, the resulting strategy and the measures you take to scale this strategy are going to be different for every business.

That’s why you can always try to copy tactics – but you should never try to copy a complete strategy.


I really believe that there are valid growth and marketing strategies for any business that delivers true value. The problem is identifying the marketing strategy that will work for your business.If you want marketing results through growth hacking, then you need to how it works and how to take this approach - and I promise you, if your business delivers any value at all, then you are going to succeed. #bloggingtips #growthhacking #onlinemarketing #digitalmarketing #growyourempire #blogpromotion #contentdistribution #marketingstrategy

That is why most marketing training programs that are sold on the web only work for a handful of people – while most people that buy them end up being frustrated. They simply tried to buy a complete marketing strategy that would work for them. But they didn’t take into account that it probably wouldn’t apply to their business.

On a side note, this is not what we are doing with The Online Growth Masterclass – with our training program we give you a growth hacking training program: All the marketing tactics we know, and in-depth tutorials on how to measure and apply the results.

If you want marketing results through growth hacking, then you need to take this approach – and I promise you, if your business delivers any value at all, then you are going to succeed.


This was another episode of Marketing in Minutes… I hope you enjoyed it! If you like the show, please subscribe and if you can, leave a review on Apple Podcasts.

If you don’t like the show – let me know what I can do to improve it.

For more information on various marketing tactics and growth hacking in general, check the show notes at blog.thesocialms.com/MiM-40. That’s blog.thesocialms.com/MiM-40

And for some marketing tactics that we found to be highly successful for many businesses – check out our marketing guides that I have linked in the show notes as well!

I’m Jonathan Gebauer and this was Marketing in Minutes!

That’s it for today, take care, bye!

How can you find your growth hack? Simply copying what others have done in their growth hacking is not enough. #growthhacking #blogtraffic #traficgeneration #growingabusiness #smallbusinessmarketing #marketinginminutes

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