Marketing Automation: 4 Things You Should Not Do

I recently came across a post by Kristi Hines on Social Media Examiner about tools and use-cases for these tools with automating your social accounts. Now, I guess you are already aware, that we here at The Social Ms are big fans of marketing automation. That we firmly believe that to achieve a lot with Social Media you will one…

8 Reasons Why Your Team Needs a Writer

One widely underestimated task in young companies seems to be marketing. Whether you are building a startup with a new product or are on your way to becoming a freelance superhero utilizing your expertise: You might be the best in your field, provide the ultimate solution to a common problem, or have an innovative product everybody needs – If no-one…

Basics of Social Media Marketing Success

Talking to clients I sometimes get the impression they only want the big numbers which in their eyes represents the huge success of social media marketing. But they most definitely do not want the sweat, the effort and often the multiple frustrations that come for free on your path to social media marketing success. They talk about going „viral“ long…

Storytelling: The Importance of Your Own Stories for Your Social Media Success

Working with clients and talking to founders we realized that some of them are missing the essential element for their social media marketing success: They need to be willing to create content and tell stories – the whole time. Many of the people we talk to believe that social media marketing is all about posting updates and being constantly active…

Marketing Metrics: Traffic Might Not Be the Best Metric – But It’s One of the First

I recently read a guest post by Mark Schaefer on the Convince and Convert blog. Mark wrote about the problem of traffic not being a very meaningful KPI in marketing. Often untargeted traffic would lead to people clicking on a link only to leave again after a few seconds. Instead of going for traffic, marketers should look for trust. And…

Content Creation: It is About Your Audience and Not About Your Product

One hot topic with clients that comes up over and over again is the content they need for social media and content marketing success. The question many new marketers have is: What topics should I cover? While it seems to be easier for newbies to accept the fact that they need content for their social media accounts, the question what…

6 Months of Blogging – A Recap

This post will be divided into two different sections – this blog is written by two people, Susanna Gebauer and Jonathan Gebauer, and for the recap of this experience we decided to give our personal views of the experience. First, you can read Susanna’s version of the last half year after introducing this blog. Susanna’s Recap of 6 Month of…

About the Big Misconception “Social Media Marketing Does not Work for Me”

In his last article, Jonathan wrote about the misunderstanding in social media marketing: The expectation of marketing success coming with the push of a red button. And you only need someone to show you where that red button is and how to push it. But as always: It is not that easy. I have been thinking if my take on…

The Importance of Content in Social Media Marketing

Often we get asked: How did you grow your Twitter followers to such impressive numbers? Why do my accounts not grow as much as I want them to? Why do I get nothing out of all my marketing efforts? Why do people not talk about my product on social media? And most of the time the answer is: It’s the…

4 Ways to Stay on Top of the Content Stream

One of the most important tasks of any marketer or blogger is to know what is going on in his/her niche and read the most important pieces. Considering how much content usually comes per day, it is crucial to find an efficient method to master the incoming content stream. Keeping up with all the content being published in our niche…