Social Media Marketing: Why Practical Experience Will Always Top Book Knowledge

A few days ago we talked to a new contact about his projects, marketing ideas and how we may be able to work together in the future. And he said, one of the reasons he likes our work is that we did it ourselves: We have faced the same marketing challenges other entrepreneurs face. We have had to learn marketing…

10 Ideas To Speed Up Your Business During The “Slow” Summer

For most businesses the summer season means a little slowing down. Fewer customer requests, fewer projects, and deadlines are a bit further ahead. This gives us time to lean back, take a breath and relax. And time to start something we always wanted to do, but somehow there was never enough time. Now with business slowing down and more time…

7 Ideas To Promote Content You May Not Have Thought Of

We all know by now that the real success in content marketing comes when you actively spread the word about your content. Some pieces of content need some extra attention and effort to spread the word. Most of us routinely share every piece of content in our social channels. If we have an email list, we may send out information…

4 Ways to Increase User Retention

The following is a guest post by Nadav Shoval. Nadav Shoval is the CEO & Co-Founder of Spot.IM, an on-site community that brings the power back to the publisher. Prior to Spot.IM, Nadav has developed and founded 4 technology startups. Spot.IM is his fifth venture. Nadav is a technology erudite and a sports addict. Depending on your industry, a high bounce…

Social Media Fail: Twitter is Not Just About News

Sometimes I am shocked by how many wrong perceptions and misunderstandings of Twitter are presented as professional advice from so-called social media experts. Maybe it is because I myself am a heavy Twitter user and our social media success started with finding out how Twitter can be used for marketing a young company that I am so often thinking „what…

7 Sorry Excuses For Not Doing Marketing Right Now

Working on marketing with young companies and founders can be very rewarding – and very depressing. Rewarding because there is so much these entrepreneurs can achieve with just a little hard work and some brains. Depressing, because there are the few that do not seem to want success and find so many lame explanations why marketing is not what they…

How One Headline Can Make or Break Your Content Marketing Success

How much time are you spending on your headline or subject line? Often once a text (blog post, email, etc.) is finished, we quickly write a few words that come to mind. And that’s it. Does it surprise you that PR people often spend at least as much time on the headline of a messaging document as on the document…