A Pain Free and Easy Way to Start a Blog and Why to DO IT NOW!

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We are living in a world where literally everyone is a marketer. Everyone is marketing something – even if it is just himself.

And one of the most accessible ways to market yourself is a blog. I really believe that everyone should write and publish. But still many people don’t. So why should you start now?

Because the content you put on the web is your window to the world, your brand, your showcase. And you get this almost for free. You can start within minutes.

Another reason to start a blog right now is that you will practice your social skills in a way nothing else can train you: You will constantly improve your ability to create stuff that others want. And that is what the world we live in is all about. Stephen King became the worlds most successful author by writing what people wanted.

Before you read on - we have various resources that show you exactly how to use social networks to gain massive traffic and leads. For instance, check out the following:

FREE Step-by-Step Twitter Marketing Guide
FREE Pinterest Marketing Ebook

And everyone has something to give that others want.

Now, this does not mean you will get rich and famous. Most people won’t. But that is not the point. The point is, to improve on yourself and your relationship to the world. Because that will improve your life. Get you a better job. A wider circle of friends. A business idea that works. You name it.

You can learn how to drive traffic to your new blog without spending money on ads. We teach you proven methods to massive (free) traffic from social media with our ebook “The Social Traffic Code!”


With that being said, let’s dive into how you can set up a blog in a couple of minutes, without a background in technology. Here is a very easy way to get your own personal blog, where you are completely under control.

Your own self-hosted WordPress blog with BlueHost

I’m from Germany, so naturally I tried a lot of Blog hosting here. All providers suck. The only provider I know that offers a really painless setup process for your own WordPress blog is BlueHost.

Here is what BlueHost does:

  1. You first check whether your domain is available and then sign up for their basic hosting package.
  2. You enter your credit card details and select your login and password.
  3. You end up on a dashboard where you select WordPress to be installed and you are almost done.

You can now already visit your site, login to WordPress and start posting, but you probably want to get a new theme first.Start Blogging. Now!

Hey, before you read on - we have in various FREE in-depth guides on similar topics that you can download. For this post, check out:

FREE Beginner's Guide: START A BLOG

Pat from SmartPassiveIncome.com has a youtube video that shows that the whole process can be done in 4 minutes, but that is only half true – you are going to take a while for browsing through themes until you find one you like, you are going to dive into the settings a bit etc.

But the point is: Anyone can do it. To quote one of my favorite phrases – you can train a monkey to do it.

So, if you want your own web presence, a blog where you are completely in control, well head on over to BlueHost. It’s also dirt cheap (starting at $4,95/month).

Start your blog on BlueHost.

All you have to do is… do it.

(Note: The link to BlueHost is an affiliate link. It doesn’t matter – I wouldn’t recommend them if I knew any better service for this.)

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