How To Explode Your Blog With Guest Posting

Are you a blogger who is looking for more traffic, sign-ups and success? Are you just starting out and want to grow your blog fast? Guest blogging can be the answer to all your success questions.

Are you a blogger who is looking for more traffic, sign ups and success? Are you just starting out and want to grow your blog fast? Guest blogging can be the answer to all your success questions. guest blogging tips, guest posting, learn guest blogging, how to use guest blogging to boost your blog and business

Guest blogging is largely underutilized – but guest blogging is the secret to quick blogging success. Guest blogging allows you to participate in the success of already established blogs and their audience. You can transfer some of their success to your own blog.

Guest blogging is largely underutilized - but guest blogging is the secret to quick blogging success. Guest blogging allows you to participate in the success of already established blogs and their audience. #guestblogging #guestposting #bloggingtips #bloggingforbeginners #blogging101 #sartablogThere are multiple reasons, why guest blogging is a great way of giving your blog a push:

  • Guest blogging helps your SEO (every guest post means at least one link back to your blog)
  • Guest blogging can help build your social and your blog’s audience – I have gained several hundred new Twitter followers from one single guest post when my own Twitter account only had a couple of hundred followers
  • Guest blogging provides you with the opportunity to get more email subscribers fast – if done right
  • Guest blogging gives you the opportunity to build blogging connections that you can utilize in multiple ways to boost your business

But guest blogging can also be a huge waste of time. Are you a blogger who is looking for more traffic, sign-ups and success? Are you just starting out and want to grow your blog fast? Guest blogging can be the answer to all your success questions. guest blogging strategy, traffic generation, seo, blogging tips #bloggingtips #guestblogging #guestposting #blogtraffic

  • If you target the wrong audience.
  • If you neglect your author bio.
  • If your topic does not match your blog niche.
  • If you fail to offer a freebie on a landing page
  • and a lot more reasons.

With a combination of guest posting and Twitter marketing, we have built our former startup exploreB2B to over 80k registered users, 500k pageviews per months and over 50k articles published.

There are multiple examples of online marketers that use guest blogging to boost their blog and business. Neil Patel, Danny Iny, to name only a few.

What makes me qualified to teach you about guest blogging?

We used guest blogging to grow our first business. In fact, when we were starting out one of my first guest posts was the key to doubling my Twitter followers within a week.

And even today, we regularly publish guest posts.

Of course, we started our guest blogging efforts on smaller blogs and worked our way up.

But even if you are just starting out with your blog, guest blogging can be the solution for many of your marketing questions: traffic, signups, sales, all there for you to get for free.

Do you want to know how to get it right? Let me teach you!

Do you want to learn how to find the best blogs to ask for a guest blogging opportunity? Are you wondering how to best approach the blog so that they will gladly accept your guest post? Do you want to learn how to craft the perfect guest author bio for YOUR purposes? Do you wonder how to use a freebie to get hundreds of signups to your email list from your guest blogging efforts?

And you know what is the best about guest blogging? You can have it all for free! No investing in advertising, no paying for publishing – guest blogging is a win-win for blog host and guest blogger.

It is all in the book – and the book is a bargain!


Guest blogging is a great way to grow your new blog. Guest posting can help your SEO, your email list building and your branding. Connect with other bloggers for more blogging success. #bloggingtips #guestblogging #startablog #bloggingforbeginners #bloggingsuccess